
Executive Summary: GDRSD Infrastructure Warrant

A major goal of the Educational Technology Department is to maintain and support a high quality, high speed technology and infrastructure system which is essential to the advancement of digital learning. When part of a comprehensive educational strategy, the effective use of technology (and necessary infrastructure) provides tools, resources, data, and support systems that increase … read more


Welcome Back Parents and Students!

Dear Parents and Students, Although the last few days have been so hot and humid it feels like we are still in the peak of summer, the weather forecast for the weekend has begun to talk about evening temperatures in the mid to upper 50’s. So it is almost possible to believe that school begins … read more


Welcome Back Staff!

Good morning! With some of the beautiful days we had last week it is difficult to imagine that in a very short time ours students will be back at school. I know that many of you have spent time on your own personal learning and growth this summer. Thanks for your investment in your practice … read more


Art Festival Slide Show

This is a slide show of the 2017 District wide Arts Festival. “Art at the Heart”. It features artwork from students from Boutwell through High School. it also had dramatic performances from the Middle School and Musical performances from the High School.


Wellness Committee Seeks Parent, Community Members

GDRSD is in the process of re-establishing a Wellness Committee. Jill Greene, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, will be chairing the Wellness committee. Per the School Committee’s “School District Wellness Program” policy, members of the Wellness committee need to include a Parent/Guardian, Student, Community Member, School Committee Member, GDRSD Nurse; GDRSD Food service representative; and … read more


School Committee Announces Dr. Chesson as Superintendent

The Groton-Dunstable School Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Laura Chesson as Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Chesson will assume her duties as of July 1, 2017. Dr. Chesson’s appointment comes after a nationwide search process that attracted over twenty five applicants for the position. A Superintendent Search Screening Committee comprised of parents, … read more


DESE Coordinated Program Review

Superintendent Bill Ryan of the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District was informed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of an upcoming Coordinated Program Review that will be taking place this school year. As part of this Coordinated Program Review, Department staff will visit the district during the week of May 8, 2017. Such visits … read more