
Transition to SchoolBrains Underway

SchoolBrains is an innovative, user-friendly portal for parents and teachers

As a follow-up to our June email to parents, we wanted to remind our community that one of the many exciting new initiatives happening this summer is the transition from iPass to SchoolBrains for our student information system (SIS). A main component of this new district resource is the innovative, user-friendly, web-based portal for parents … read more


Announcing our newly designed websites

We hope you enjoy the improved navigation and fresher information on

It’s with great excitement that the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District is launching our new district and school webpages! We encourage you to explore the content and strongly believe we have moved towards a new, exciting, user-friendly and flexible web-experience for our community, faculty, parents and students. As you explore our webpages, there are a few features … read more


Students, Staff Innovate During Hour of Code

Groton-Dunstable Regional School District joined in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code this past December 8, 2014, which took place during Computer Science Education Week. While most schools hold a kickoff assembly or host individual activities in classrooms, the students and staff at Groton-Dunstable have decided to do something more … read more