Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight

GDRSD is pleased to present “Hidden in Plain Sight”  On November 14th, 7:00 to 8:30 in the GDRHS library, educators/parents are invited to take a look inside a typical teenager’s room to search for hidden signs of substance abuse.  The Hidden in Plain Sight event is open to adults only.  Participants will go through a recreated bedroom of a … read more

My Two Weeks in Classrooms – October 19, 2017

Had another amazing two weeks in classrooms, visiting Florence-Roche and the middle and the high school. There was so much to share about UDL that I could write a book, but since it’s a blog, you’ll only get a taste. Last week, we had two administrators from the Oconomowoc School District in Wisconsin come out to … read more


What’s Happening in Classrooms: Sept. 29 Edition

I had another amazing week diving into classrooms and experiencing learning with our students. This week, I spent time in the math and science wing at the high school and a full day alongside our littlest learners at Boutwell. While at the HS, I walked into Mr. MacDonald’s Algebra class while the class was taking a … read more


What’s Happening in Classrooms, Week 3

This week did not disappoint with UDL practice and I saw more than I’m able to share in this post. If everyone keeps ramping it up like this, I will have to take up video production to record some of your creativity to share with the world. This week I visited classrooms in the middle … read more


What’s Happening in Classrooms? Week 2

Our teachers are on fire! This week I saw so many amazing examples of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in action on my Learning Walks through Florence-Roche, Swallow Union, and the world language wing of the high school . Classroom after classroom, students were actively participating, collaborating with peers, and focusing on “deeper learning” and … read more