March 17th 2020

As usual we hope this finds our staff and families well. As a reminder please remember that if students or members of their family living in their home have a presumptive or positive test for the virus please call 978 448 5505 and leave us a message on the district’s main number. This information will not be shared with anyone, but would be helpful if and when the Governor allowed school districts to consider opening.

My family gets free or reduced lunch. Howe can I arrange to get food during school closure?:

Thanks to Karen Gartland, Justin Williams, Katie Novak, and members of our food service staff who helped us to set up and distribute a week’s worth of lunches for families in our school community that qualify for free and reduced lunch. We will be distributing similar “lunch boxes” every Tuesday from 10:00 to noon. In order to expedite the distribution of lunches please email Katie Novak at and she will ensure that your package is ready for you during that time period. All pick-ups are at Door 8, Groton Dunstable Regional Middle School South. If due to illness or lack of transportation you are unable to pick up your package please let Katie know in your email and she will try to arrange for delivery.

What can families do to help each other?

Some families are not only in the need of food, but also are in need of paper products, cleaning, and disinfecting supplies. If you wish to help with this need, please email Katie Novak at and she will facilitate these donations to our families who are receiving free and reduced lunch support.

Are you updating the district continuity of learning online resources?

Almost everyday teachers and curriculum directors are adding resources to the K-8 tabs and in many cases individual teacher Google classroom sites. Continue to check them out. Also if parents find sites that they find are particularly helpful please email Karen Gartland at, Kelly True at, or Alison Sancinito at

What is the status of the school buildings at this time?

All school buildings are closed. Our building and grounds manager and a few members of our maintenance staff are checking each building each day, including boilers and cafeteria freezers. The main number for the district, 978 448 5505, is being monitored frequently by district staff. However, the best way to reach any member of the district staff is by email.

What is the status of extended day registration for next year?

Please see the extended day packet attached for full information about our extended day program.Registrations for current families as well as new families will remain open. Forms are available on the district website and attached to this email. Registrations may be mailed, dropped off using the drop off box at the main entrance to the Twomey Center, or emailed (no photos of forms please). All registrations will be dated when received.

Please mail to the address:

Extended Day Program GDRSD

PO BOX 426

Groton MA 01450

If you choose to email your form, payment of the registration fee & September tuition deposit is required and due by the return to school. Once received, the registration will be completed and processed.

What is the status of school closures at this time?

At this time school is closed thru April 6, 2020. Each week the superintendents across the state have a conference call with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. We will inform you whenever there is an official update.

Please have a safe and healthy evening.

Best regards,

Laura Chesson, Superintendent

Ext Day Reg Packet 2021