Wednesday Update
I want to first share that we still have no reported cases of presumptive or positive cases of the COVID 19 virus by any member of the school community to the Central Office. Again we are requesting that if any staff member, student, or any member of the immediate family of either a staff member or student does receive a presumptive or positive diagnosis that you contact the District main number at 978 448 5505. Individual names will not be shared with anyone, however this information will be helpful should the Governor decide to allow school districts to consider opening.
Guidance Update From High School Guidance Office:
Dear GDRHS Students,
 Your guidance counselors recognize that the recent school closings due to the coronavirus may produce stress around college, scheduling and other issues. First and foremost, we encourage all of you to follow all suggested precautions to keep yourselves healthy and safe. Information regarding scheduling for next year will be forthcoming, so please try not to be concerned about this. We will find creative ways to get all of you through this process. Guidance counselors will be checking email regularly, so please feel free to contact us about college or any other concerns you may have.
 Stay safe, GDRHS Guidance Staff
Updates to Online Resources for Continuity of Learning:
New resources are being added daily. Any parent who has a resource that they think might be of interest to others may submit it to Karen Gartland at or Kelly True at
Alison Sancinito, Assistant Principal of Florence Roche and Katie Novak, Assistant Superintendent have been posting the daily schedule they are using for their own students at home. These can be found by following Alison (@Teach_Sancinito) or Katie (@KatieNovakUDL) on Twitter. For more information you may email Alison ( or Katie (
Food Resources: Below find a message from Loaves and Fishes:
Hello everyone!
I hope that all of you are staying well during this difficult time. We wanted you to know three things:
1) In order to limit exposure, we have switched to a Client Drive-Thru system.
2) We plan to remain open as long as possible in order to support our neighbors in need.
3) We’ve heard that some schools are attempting to organize drive-thru meal programs for the families with children. We’d appreciate it if you could distribute information about the Pantry to these families as we’re assuming that they could use some additional help. If this is something you are interested in, please contact us via email at and we’ll make arrangements to get these materials to you.
What Can I Do To Help?:
We have been asked this question often. If you wish to donate cleaning and disinfecting supplies, paper goods, or food to our families in need, please email Katie Novak (
Have a good evening!
Laura Chesson, Superintendent