March 25th 2020 – School Closure Extended

Good evening staff and families,

My evening email tonight will be short. The Governor announced just moments ago that schools will be closed until May 4th. District leadership were not informed that this announcement would be made until about 3:15 pm. While we are disappointed, we understand the need to keep everyone safe. Members of our staff have been work around the clock the last few days to create a plan on how to move forward. Commissioner Riley also announced he will be sending guidance to districts over the next two days and there will be a conference call with DESE on Friday morning. By Monday morning March 30th, and if possible sooner, I will share with you how the district will be moving forward to support our student and families in these challenging times. The district administrative team has a conference call tonight. Marlena Gilbert, Justin Williams, and I have Zoom meetings with union leadership tomorrow afternoon. We will continue to provide PD for all para-professionals this week. Our amazing teachers will continue to reach out to your students, working on enrichment activities and maintaining the outstanding relationships they have with our students.

I will share as much information with you as soon as I possibly can. I hope you and your families are well.

Laura Chesson, Superintendent