Transition to SchoolBrains Underway

SchoolBrains is an innovative, user-friendly portal for parents and teachers

As a follow-up to our June email to parents, we wanted to remind our community that one of the many exciting new initiatives happening this summer is the transition from iPass to SchoolBrains for our student information system (SIS). A main component of this new district resource is the innovative, user-friendly, web-based portal for parents and teachers. As we gear up for the transition, we wanted to make you aware of a few key points:

  • Access to iPass and iParent has been disabled as of Tuesday, June 30th
  • Access to the new parent portal in SchoolBrains will be given to students, parents and guardians in the coming weeks
  • You will be required to confirm certain information before granted access to the system. There will be additional communication when this access is ready
  • Our staff will be trained on SchoolBrains through summer trainings as well as individual training sessions throughout the course of the year

During this transition, changes to information, schedules, grades etc. will take extra time and may not be able to happen until mid-August. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition to SchoolBrains.

The community portal, once live, will be available here:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Phyllis Maynard, our Data & Education Technology Specialist and SchoolBrains Administrator, with any questions, comments or concerns at