Faculty Resources

Whether you’re new to the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District or a longtime employee, you can find important information about benefits, key policies, agreements, and various forms in this section.

District Employee Handbook 2019-2020

Employee Web Portal

Employees can view payroll information by logging into the online web portal .

HelpDesk Ticketing System

In order to be more efficient, we have moved our HelpDesk system to the cloud! Your favorite Technology & Digital Learning team is just an email away!

Going forward, we have some important changes to share:

  1. If you have a technology issue, please email helpdesk@oldsite.oldsite.oldsite.gdrsd.org.
  2. Please remove old HelpDesk bookmarks.
  3. The new HelpDesk system is only for technology-related issues. Buildings & Grounds tickets will remain only accessible from within the schools. When we get back, you will access the Building & Grounds ticket system as follows: https://Maintenance/. Remember to bookmark this URL for Buildings & Grounds issues.
  4. SchoolBrains and ClassLink issues should be reported using our new HelpDesk email.

Educator Evaluations Information

The Groton-Dunstable Educator Evaluation Working Group is pleased to share recent updates to the educator evaluation process, as well as resources to support the implementation of those changes.  For more information on our fillable Educator Evaluation forms, the selected power elements and additional resources, please visit our Educator Evaluations page.

Employee Frequently Requested Forms

Employee Benefits

The Groton-Dunstable Regional School District offers it’s employees a number of benefits, including:

  • Health Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Vision Insurance
  • Life & Long Term Disability Insurance
  • 403(b) Retirement Savings Accounts
  • Flexible Spending Account

For more information on health and dental insurance options, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and retirement savings accounts, please visit our Employee Benefits page.

Retirement Information

For more information on Massachusetts Teachers Retirement System, Central Pension Fund, Middlesex County Retirement System and other retirement plans, please visit our Retirement Information page.

New Hire Forms and Resources

Online Employee Staff Training