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2020 Senior Art and Music Slide Show
April 5th 2020
Good evening, I hope this finds everyone in your household healthy. I want to thank those of you that have reached out to Katie Novak to offer your assistance as we work to try to assist families in Groton and Dunstable who have food needs at this time. Many people have offered time, money, gift … read more
March 31st 2020
I hope this evening finds you taking a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine that I see outside my window. I want to take a moment to thank our Food Service Staff for coming in today to prepare lunches for some of our students and for Katie Novak and her merry band of helpers who … read more
March 27th 2020
Friday night update Good evening, Sorry for this coming out so late this evening. It was so beautiful outside tonight that I took some time to take a walk outside after our 6:00 emergency school committee meeting. I hope you and your families got some time outside today. The district staff spent many hours today … read more
March 26th 2020
Good evening, Last evening I shared the update that schools would be closed until at least May 4th. Tonight I want to share with you the work that is being done to prepare to move into Remote Learning. Our district is working tirelessly to create a remote learning plan in light of new guidance from … read more
March 25th 2020 – School Closure Extended
Good evening staff and families, My evening email tonight will be short. The Governor announced just moments ago that schools will be closed until May 4th. District leadership were not informed that this announcement would be made until about 3:15 pm. While we are disappointed, we understand the need to keep everyone safe. Members of … read more
March 23rd 2020
Monday Closure Briefing Good evening, I wish I had more definitive news from the Department of Education regarding school closure length etc. but unfortunately at this time we do not have any more information than I shared last week. We have been told to begin thinking about what steps we would take if this school … read more
March 20th 2020
Good evening families and staff, Closure Update: It is hard to believe that we have made it through the first week of closure. This morning all the superintendents across the state had a conference call with Jeff Riley, Commissioner of Education. While Commissioner Riley did not share any specific new information, he did advise all … read more
March 19th 2020
I am sorry for the delay in the Thursday memo. Things were quiet, but your amazing staff is still adding new stuff to the online resources for continuation of learning. I have two conferences calls during the day (Friday) with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. So hopefully Friday’s message will have an update or … read more