I hope this evening finds you taking a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine that I see outside my window. I want to take a moment to thank our Food Service Staff for coming in today to prepare lunches for some of our students and for Katie Novak and her merry band of helpers who distribute those lunches. I also want to thank Luke Callahan and the members of the Tech team that helped to distribute Chromebooks and iPads today.
School Committee Meeting and Remote Learning Plan:
This week’s school committee meeting will be live broadcast on the Groton Channel at 7:00 pm.. Dr. Katie Novak will be presenting the Remote Learning Plan. Assuming we receive a positive vote from the GDEA this plan will be sent out to parents no later than 5:00 pm tomorrow. If you have questions regarding this plan please feel free to email me (lchesson@oldsite.oldsite.oldsite.gdrsd.org) or Dr. Kate Novak (knovak@oldsite.oldsite.oldsite.gdrsd.org) either before, during, or after the school committee meeting. Beginning tonight I will be attaching a FAQ document to my nightly briefing. I will put the newest questions at the beginning to assist people in finding the answers to their questions.
School Committee Meeting and Financial Impact of COVID 19:
The School Committee will also be discussing the financial impact to the district of the onset of the COVID 19 virus. Again, this will be shown on the Groton Channel at 7:00 pm.
Weekly Letter from Jill Greene, Director of Pupil Personnel Services:
Also attached this evening you will find a letter from Jill Greene, Director of Pupil Personnel Services providing an important update for families of students receiving Special Education Services.
Have a good evening.
Laura Chesson